Stephen Sung

Full-Stack Web Developer for hire!


Stephen is a Full-Stack Web Developer who loves advocating for people and their businesses. Finding creative solutions for sophisticated problems and writing clean, concise, efficient code are things that inspire him. He utilizes his knowledge of human-computer interactions, business acumen, and psychology background to custom-design User Experiences that come intuitively for the end user. After obtaining his Bachelor's in Psychology and Business from UC San Diego in 2016, he caught the coding bug and studied Computer Science as a hobby, dedicating himself to building websites that captures the essence of your businesses, depicts it digitally, and lets its personality shine.

Stephen believes effective marketing is rooted in human connection, and aims to speak to your target demographic via an emotional bond. After a couple internships working on website applications (using AngularJS, Laravel, Bootstrap, Wordpress, and jQuery), he joined a digital marketing agency where he combined his tech accumen with marketing and SEO strategies, served over two dozen businesses, across various industries, in the Greater San Diego Area. Now a Freelance Web Developer, Stephen works at cultivating a small but loyal clientele, allowing him to put his personalized touch on all his projects. Apart from knowing the coding languages listed below, Stephen is also natively fluent in Mandarin Chinese.


Technologies, Languages & Frameworks:

Additional Practices:

  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Agile Development & Scrum Methodologies
  • Mobile Repsonsive Designs
  • Cross-Browser, Cross-Device Testing & Debugging
  • User Testing & Quality Assurance
  • Aesthetic enhancements with Adobe Creative Suite
  • Local Linux development environment setup with Vagrant


Hire Me!

Rate & Review

An app with database that stores ratings and reviews for anything one desires. Has user account register and login functionality. Can search for reviews based off of category, item name, or username. Can be used for online store product reviews, or an app such as Yelp.

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Train Scheduler

Similar to a jumbotron at the train station, this real-time database application incorporates Moment.js and a Google Firebase to host arrival and departure data. Provides real-time information about various trains, namely their arrival times, and time-to-arrival from current time. Users may enter additional trains to track, with changes being reflected on the page in real time. The application was built using Google Firebase, Bootstrap, jQuery, and MomentJS.

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Gem Collector

A simple Javascript game. Players collect different colored gems of different unknown values, and attempt to match a predetermined value to win.

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Trivia Game

A simple Geography Trivia game using JavaScript and jQuery for logic and manipulating the DOM.

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Live Music Finder

A search engine for upcoming music events and concerts in your area. Presents users with an interface that searches for and displays artists performing live in the area, as well as similar artists. For each result, a visual graphic is shown in a carousel slideshow with show information such as date, time, location, and links to purchase tickets.

* UPDATE: The MusicGraph API is currently down, leading to no search results based on how we designed the JSON flow. To generate results, feel free to input artists into the "artists" array, and run the "searchBandsinTown" function with the array passed in as a parameter (loop through the array).

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Traffic Roots Ad Network

Please contact for more information.

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Tower Agency Website

Tower Agency Website

WordPress website crafted for Tower Agency, with custom PHP templates crafted to suit business needs. Adobe XD used for prototyping, Adobe Photoshop used, and FileZilla for SFTP. SEO-conciouos and mobile-friendly.

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Traffic Roots Website

Traffic Roots Company Website

WordPress website created for Traffic Roots. SEO-concious and mobile-friendly. Hosted on AWS.

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Burger Devourer

Burger Devourer

Users can view 2 list of burgers (eaten and un-eaten) mark them if they are eaten, and add new burgers. The application maintains a MySQL database to save the state of the burgers. This application was built using the Express framework for Node, and Handlebars was used to create semantic templates for rendering the HTML.

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Adaway Group Website

Adaway Group

Wordpress Website created with customized theme, mobile responsiveness and Search Engine Optimization

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Civility Partners Website

Civility Partners

Wordpress Website created with customized theme, mobile responsiveness and Search Engine Optimization

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Considine & Considine Website


Wordpress Website created with customized theme, mobile responsiveness and Search Engine Optimization

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